Monitor anything with Telegraf, InfluxDB, Grafana and Python

At Bixoto we use the TIG stack to monitor our systems. “TIG” stands for “Telegraf, InfluxDB, Grafana”. Telegraf is an agent that collects metrics on your servers and sends it to InfluxDB, a database oriented for real-time data. Then, Grafana reads these data points and renders them with nice graphs and provides some alerting. Of … Read more

Always encode your Requests payloads in Python

At Bixoto, we use a lot of different APIs to interface with suppliers and other services. Today, I was working with an XML API using requests (via api_session) and xmltodict. TL;DR: use, data=my_string.encode(“utf-8”)) and not, data=my_string).Long version below: The simplified code looked like this: This worked great until I called client.hello() with a name that contained accents, such as “Élise”. The API … Read more